As a convenience to aid in research, immediately below is a directory for the index of all last names mentioned in The Flint Genealogical Society Quarterlies published between 1959 and 1998. The index includes last name, year published, volume number and page number for each reference.
The Flint Public Library has these quarterlies available for reference in their Genealogy Section.
Most of these quarterlies are available for purchase. See FGS Publications for purchase information.
To be sure the reference is about the family you are interested in, send a query about the names and pages to:
Quarterly Editor
Flint Genealogical Society
P.O. Box 1217
Flint, Michigan 48501-1217
please be as specific as possible and include a stamped, self addressed envelop for the reply.
Also see our Queries page for a reference to our reasearch volunteers.
The first 3 letter range of the names are listed below.
The pages for the first 4 rows, AAA thru DRX, have been broken down into multiple tables in an effort to improve load time. Since no real improvement was detected the remaining pages each contain only 1 large table. Depending on network traffic the pages may take a long time to load, please be patient or try at another time.