Our Annual Dinner was held June 4, 2024 at Italia Gardens on Miller Rd
Della Gamalski, Elaine Medich, & Laura Leyana Trudy Krueger, Jan Wilson, & Lorene Wilson
Elaine is saying to Laura "wow, did you see those pies"  (jusk kidding - I don't know what they were talking about)
From Back to front on left:  Wendy Storm, Chris Venturino,
& Rebecca Andres (blocked by her husband's baseball hat)
From Back to front on right:
McKenna Storm (Jeff' her dad is blocking her), Jeff Storm,
Betty Dzurak, & Alan Dzurak.
From Back to front on left: Dan Pozarek, John Krueger, &
(the back of Lon Meredith's wife and the back of Lon Meredith)
From Back to front on right:
Jim Newman, Judy Newman, & Amy Little
(my chair was empty - somebody had to take pictures.)
Janet Westhoff came in after I took pictures.
We had sold 24 tickets ( but only 23 were present, Bave Barkey had bought a ticket but no one could get ahold of him that night?)